Thursday, February 28, 2008

First Communion and Easter Pictures

One of the first signs of Spring....

It's time to think about your child's First Communion portrait and Easter pictures to share with the family.

A child's First Communion is a special time. This is definitely an occasion that deserves to be commemorated in a portrait you will cherish for years to come.
At The Studio, we will capture your child's innocence in a lovely portrait you'll be proud to display.

Why is Easter the traditional time for kid's portraits? Because they all have their cute, new Easter outfits and every parent wants to get photos of their children looking "pretty as a picture"!

At The Studio, we're both Kid Friendly and Parent Friendly. That means that we know how to make your child's photo session an enjoyable experience for both of you.

We know it's important to make the photo session fun for the kids. That's the only way to get the natural expressions you want.

We also know that, if not done properly, a child's photo session can be stressful on the parents. That's why we schedule your child's session your time at The Studio is just that: your time. When you make an appointment at The Studio, you can relax knowing that your child's session will start on time and our facilities are booked especially for you.

You can also rest assured that your children will look perfectly groomed for their portraits because you will have the services of a professional cosmetologist while you are here, to make sure that every hair is in place.

Our children's sitting fee is only $20. A child's portrait package is only $50, and includes 3 sheets of photos of your favorite pose, in standard color finish.

Call The Studio today to schedule an appointment for the best portrait experience you and your child have ever had!
The phone number is 314-644-0734.

You also may want to visit our website at

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