Saturday, August 11, 2007

living the dream

We've been up and running in our new location for about a week now. And we all love it. For me, it's felt like "home" from day one. I can actally feel the love within the walls. (And the blood, sweat and tears that went into construction.)

If we assume, for the heck of it, that living the American dream means, in part, owning and running your own business, then "check". But for me, it's more than that. Living my dream means owning and running a business my way...with integrity and love. Not that mushy kind of love. But the honoring myself and other humans kind of love.

It is truly empowering to not have to follow some corporate guidelines or be compared to other studios by someone else's standards. We here at The Studio set our own standards. I believe there is a movement in the world of business (or there should be) away from the "save the bottom line at any cost" mentality that so many businesses have exhibited. I mean, do you realize that even your dentist may try to "upsell" you? That's some crazy stuff.

I'm on a mission. Offer a quality service and product at a fair price. Respect my clients. Have a lot of fun. And make a good living because we're doing what is right. Innoventive, huh?


Shawna said...

Yay!! You did it! I had no clue, but I'm so happy for you. You're going to do great - add your talent and your DEMAND for treating your clients well and you can't go wrong! Congrats!
Shawna said...

Thanks, Shawna. We're not over the bumpy part yet, but I love carnival rides...remember?

Shawna said...

The Tulsa State Fair starts this month, and they started putting up the rides last week. I thought of you! How funny is that?! 'Jeet Jet? I'm getting some Cheese Curds!