Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Holiday Portrait Deadline and Specials

The holidays are fast approaching, and now is the time to act, if you are looking for our best deal on Holiday Portraits this season. Read on for our 2009 Holiday Deadline and Specials:

Holiday Boudoir Portraits: Sat., Dec. 5
Holiday Portraits with retouching: Sat., Dec. 12
Holiday Portraits without retouching: Sat., Dec. 19

At The Studio, the days surrounding the Thanksgiving are very busy, as families who are together for the holiday take that opportunity to have their extended family portrait made, as a Christmas present for parents and grandparents. If your family would like an appointment the week of Thanksgiving...please call now for best appointment availability, as space is limited.

Pre-Holiday Portrait Special
Nov. 18 through Nov. 25
Save $25 off your Session Fee (reg. $50 for Ind. or $75 for Family)

Bonus Holiday Portrait Special:
Nov. 18 through Nov. 21
Save $25 off your Session Fee (reg. $50 for Ind. or $75 for Family)
BOGO on Holiday Portrait Greeting Cards!
(Buy one set of 12 photo greeting cards, get one set FREE! NO LIMIT!)

Call today to book your appointment! 314-644-0734

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Important Message About Our Country's Future

If I am going to use my studio's blog to discus anything other than my studio's news or business...then it has to be something very important. This is one of those times.

To learn the truth, Americans need to visit this link and watch the video:

Setting the Record Straight

Meaningful change is on the horizon...change that will benefit us all. Change that the insurance companies, the pharmaceutical companies and some in the medical industry DON'T want to see happen, because the pitiful state of our country's health care system works for them and their wallets. Don't let yourself be lied to any longer. Special interest groups want to keep us dumb and full of fear. Don't be dumb and fearful. Take this opportunity to inform yourself. As a country, we can't afford to remain ignorant any longer.

Friday, July 24, 2009

St. Louis Boudoir on theknot.com

St. Louis Boudoir by The Studio is now being featured on theknot.com!

If you are a St. Louis area bride-to-be, you should be registered with theknot.com. It's a great resource for all things wedding related. There are great ideas on theknot. There is also an article about Boudoir Photography as a hot trend in wedding gifts from a bride to her groom.

Be sure to check us out there! And be sure to read our Boudoir Photography Blog for tips on how to select your own Boudoir Photographer in St. Louis.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Pageant Headshots

It's Pageant Season at The Studio!

Every year it seems we see more and more local pageant participants who need new headshots for competition. We've been told that "our girls" do well in the Photogenic competition for National American Miss, Dreamgirls, and several other popular pageant circuits. As a matter of fact, at a recent competition, photos by The Studio won 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th places in the Photogenic competition. Sounds like a pretty darn good record to me! Maybe that's why The Studio is one of the pageant world's best kept secrets.

At The Studio, we photograph all ages of pageant contestants, from young children to adults. And, we've been priveledged to be able to watch several of "our girls" change and grow over the years.

After photographing girls and young women for pageants for so long, we have a keen understanding of what the pageant judges are looking for in a competition print. We know how to help you produce a classic pageant headshot...and a more "out of the box" personality shot that will showcase your contestant's uniqueness.

Individual portraits at The Studio usually take about 2 weeks for completion, because most pageant contestants add digital retouching to their order. Sometimes we can get portraits back more quickly for you...but you shouldn't wait until the last minute, if at all possible.

The Session Fee at The Studio is $30. This includes professional hairstyling and makeup prior to the photo session, the session, and viewing the images on our computer immediately after the session. Portrait prices begin at $40, for an 8x10 or smaller. Digital retouching is $50 per pose.

We also provide the High Resolution Image on cd, for those who prefer to "buy the negative" and get large quantities of prints made elsewhere. The High Resolution Image on cd is $175 per image. This price includes digital retouching on the image as well as a color and black and white version of the image, in print-quality resolution and in web-quality resolution. When you own this version of an image, you own the rights to the image, and can reproduce it as you see fit.

We know that serious pageant participants look for any edge they can find to better their chances in competition. The Studio is one of those "edges". Give us a call to see what The Studio can do for you. And check out our promo and headshot gallery online, to see just some of our previous pageant and promotional headshot clients.

The Studio
1900 McCausland Ave
St. Louis, MO 63117
website: www.thestudiostl.com
email: info@thestudiostl.com

Friday, July 3, 2009

Our New Site is Live!

The Studio is proud to announce that our new sister-website is now live!

The new site is stlboudoir.com

Since The Studio's Boudoir Photography business has grown tremendously, we decided to launch a new All-Boudoir website. Our Boudoir Photography business goes by the name "St. Louis Boudoir by The Studio".

Visit our new site to find out everything you ever wanted to know about Boudoir Photography in St. Louis, but were afraid to ask!

As always, we'd love to hear your comments and suggestions about the new site. Give us a look, and please drop us a line!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Last Chance for Boudoir Pictures at 2008 Prices!

Don't miss your last chance to get your own Boudoir Portraits at 2008 prices!

Throughout the month of June, The Studio will be honoring their 2008 Boudoir Portrait prices. Since The Studio takes appointments on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays...that means there are only 7 days left to get great pricing on the best Boudoir Photography in the St. Louis area.

Boudoir Portraits are the hot new trend in wedding gifts from a bride to her groom. Boudoir Pictures are also a very popular anniversary, birthday or Valentine's Day gift. The staff at The Studio has been creating beautiful Boudoir Photography since The Studio opened in 2007. Due to awesome word-of-mouth advertising, The Studio has become the go-to Boudoir Photographer in St. Louis and the Midwest.

Boudoir Photography has become the largest segment of The Studio's portrait business. On July 1, 2009, The Studio will launch their All-Boudoir sister website. And, beginning July 1, 2009, The Studio's new Boudoir pricing will go into effect. The new pricing will include an increase on the Basic Boudoir Photography Session Fee, as well as an increase on all Boudoir Portrait Collections.

If you have been considering a Boudoir Photo Session, now is the time to act. Call The Studio at 314-644-0734 to book an appointment for your Boudoir Photography Session today! (FYI: If your schedule does not permit you to make an appointment for your session in June, you can lock in 2008 Boudoir Prices by pre-paying for your session and your Boudoir Collection order. All pre-paid orders must be recieved prior to June 30, 2009, in order to receive this offer.)

To view The Studio's private Boudoir Gallery, call (314-644-0734) or email (info@thestudiostl.com) to receive the password for access to the gallery.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Normally, I use The Studio's blog to tout new developments or talk about the current specials we are running. Right now, I feel compelled to do something a little different. Okay. A lot different.

This is a tough time for America and Americans. Finally, after years of indulgence, it's all started catching up to us. And this "catching up" part feels very uncomfortable...to say the least. All of us...ALL OF US... have either been directly affected by the recession, or know someone close to us who has been. And believe me, talking about a recession is NOT what most businesses are going to be doing right now, if they want you to spend your money with them. Some businesses are going to take the approach that "to talk about it is only going to remind people about it"...which is what they don't want, if they are trying to get you to loosen the grip on your wallet.

But I have to take a different approach. I just have to.

We at The Studio feel we have been very blessed to be able to make a living doing what we love to do. In the past year and a half that we have been in business at our McCausland Avenue location in St. Louis, I can literally count only two customers who were just "happy" with their portraits and their experience with us....instead of "completely thrilled". (And believe me...I have worked very hard to turn those two "happy"s into two "thrilled"s.) Although we are committed to deliver a product and a service that exceeds our clients' expectations, we feel entirely blessed to have attracted the customers who have felt moved to come to us. What I mean to say is that somehow every single customer we have served has been nice...lovely, actually...a genuine treat to get to know.

And I have to ask...is that really how it works? Did the Universe really just pick out "special" people to send our way? Or, were we blessed with the gift of recognizing the "special" in the so-called "average" person? I really hope it's the latter.

Which brings me to this blog's point: Gratitude.

I like to think that I have always been grateful for the blessings that have come my way. But, the truth is, I have wasted plenty of my gifts and I have wasted plenty of time wondering "why does that person seem to have so much more than me?" or even "why can't I be super wealthy...like, say, Oprah?" These difficult financial times have made me stop and consider the abundance that has been a part of my life all along. Abundance I have taken for granted. Abundance we have ALL taken for granted. Abundance America has taken for granted.

This is a time of great change in America. Unfortunately, it had to come to difficult financial circumstances for a meaningful number of us to recognize that a change is needed. And for those difficult financial circumstances, I say we should be grateful. Yes, I just said that.

As a people, we had become so greedy in our expectations. Want some clean, drinkable water? Turn on the faucet. Want to take a warm bath, instead of a cool drink? Oh! Then, turn the other faucet. Want to use water for some other, um, personal business? Well, speaking frankly...have a seat. Clean water and sanitation services are just one of the western luxuries that everyone in America takes for granted...most times without bothering to offer up gratitude. Yet, 2.5 billion people in the world lack access to adequate sanitation and clean water.

While all of us knew about "the homeless", those people were still the people that you heard about...but no one you really knew. They were invisible people. Maybe even mentally ill, or alcohol or drug abusers. But certainly, no one we knew. Until now. Yes, there are still a lot of Americans who have a roof over their heads...but there are now many, many "regular people" who understand that they are just one paycheck away from the possibility of homelessness. In America.

How did this happen? I'm certainly no economist. Or even an intellectual. But it seems plain to me that the core reason for our country's predicament is a prevalent, collective spirit of greed. And, in my opinion, this greed started with the wealthiest of us and "trickled down" to the average Joe. Heck, it's how the American economy has thrived all these years.

But I believe that at the heart of our problem is that we forgot to have heart. We took too much for granted and we forgot the very basics of the Law of Attraction (whether you ascribe to that type of thinking or not). We forgot to value what we had. We forgot to be grateful.

Forgetting to be grateful is so easy to do. But, it is also easy to make right.

I don't pretend to know how to go about solving the problems in our country. I humbly give that responsibility over to those who I hope and pray are much smarter than me. All I'm really an expert on is taking flattering photographs. But I am also pretty darn good at gratitude. I am good at appreciating people. And so is my staff. We feel that we have our own little mission here, at The Studio. And, although we like to think that we are a lot of fun....we take that mission very seriously.

If you have found The Studio while doing a web search for photography in St. Louis, then we are grateful. And I believe that whatever type of portrait photography you are looking for, you will be pleased....no, make that completely thrilled with the end results. We will do everything we can to exceed your expectations. The phrase "we appreciate your business" has never meant more than it does right now.

We have always subscribed to the idea that a business should offer a quality product and/or service at a fair price. Pretty simple notion. But, some businesses have allowed greed to dictate their pricing structures. Maybe that works for them in the short term...but, at The Studio, we are interested in building a relationship with our clients. We don't just value your business. We also value your good word of mouth and your repeat business or referrals.

I hope that with this blog I am able to inspire in you an attitude of gratitude. This is a time when gratitude may not come easily. But this is the time that we need to embrace a sense of gratitude more than ever. At The Studio, we believe that Gratitude makes whatever you have more. I hope that something you have read here will prompt you to think about the true abundance you have in your life...and that you will take the time to express your gratitude to God, or The Universe, or whoever or whatever you think is "out there". It certainly can't hurt, right?

And who knows the impact that Gratitude can have on your life?