Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Attention All Real Estate Professionals!

A Great Business Picture is Worth a Thousand Closings!

Face it. Before you can sell a house, you have to sell yourself. The
business photo you include in your marketing materials does make a
difference. We can help you with that.

Can you tell the difference between a professional business portrait and a
snapshot taken against an office wall?

Your prospective customers can.

So often, your business card, newspaper ad or website is the first
impression your future clients have of you. What do you want your image to
say to them? ("I'm a successful professional"...or "I stopped at the mall
on my way to a shoe sale"...?)

If you've ever been guilty of the following:

- Taking your own picture with you cell phone

- Photocopying your driver's license picture

- Having your photo made anywhere that has a giant plastic camera in the

- Having your picture taken by someone who's last job involved the use of
the phrase "Do you want fries with that?"

- Trying to get by using your high school graduation photo
...you are in serious need of a professional photography studio

You need The Studio.

Our talented staff spent years working under the Glamour Shots name at
Sunset Hills Plaza and Crestwood Mall. Now that we are an independent
studio, in a stand-alone location, we can offer you the digital images
today's market demands at a more affordable price. Call us at
314-644-0734 for more details.

Plus...if you come in for your appointment now through October 31, 2007 you'll receive a FREE session (Reg. $30) Session includes complimentary hairstyling and